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This Anime Art project is inspired by Brain Emulation. Total supply of #010 reached ! the first buyer will receive a special grade for free.



She is completely out of the woods, literally. Grew up in extreme isolation, self-sufficient household, never seen anyone apart of her family (now passed away) and the animals she hunted for food. Although she was always shy, she secretly wanted to experience something out of ordinary. On the day when her dad passed away he gave her directions to the secret location deep inside the mountains. It was his hideout and a workplace too. You see, he was the one who came up with The Glitch and The World of Uploaded. Although he never talked about becoming a resident of The Glitch, but I am sure he will at some point.. That was actually the main reason Hunter uploaded herself to The Glitch, in the hopes of hugging her father again.
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Licence : PersPub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Listé par : ErzK...LoHQ
Adresse de vente :rzoR...8jV8
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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