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Some of my favorite watercolour art minted as unique NFTs. There can truly only be one of each, and each piece represents the joy I felt while i co-created them. Follow me on twitter: @synchronised369

No Mud. No Lotus


Lotus is a flower which has the fertilised seed, ready for germination, in it when it blooms. IT ALREADY HAS THE CREATION WITHIN IT. It is the image of the hue-man being. Lotus also grows in stagnant water and mud. This flower is a metaphor for the human condition -we are living in the gutters, yet we are connected to source. We are creations from the most highest creator.

No Mud. No Lotus

Licence : Repr/Comm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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