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The Ladybossleader collection is a representation of my reflection about what it means to be a leader, daughter, mother, and wife. LadyBossleader leaves the concrete separation of the segregated society as she strides into the gazing stars, stopping only to encourage you to be succesful and to dream big. Original hand-drawn art by Marisol Rivas Hernandez. Each piece is 1/1, 3000px x 3000px and 300dpi. Ladybossleader lifts the stigma of segregation of women, mental Health, the hungry, the underprivileged, people of color, LGBTQ and the uneducated communities. Let be the CHANGE! - Marisol Rivas Hernandez

Pride Leader Ronout


This Collection of Ronout LadyBossLeaders are unique in their own way. Inspired by many underprivileged leaders that get overlooked at times, combined with their own unique traits.

Pride Leader Ronout

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