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We're proud to present "Community: For The Love Of 3D". In the search for more amazing 3D artists, we felt the need to create something special, and with the voices of our community, the VR gallery got its chosen artists. We present to you the winners of the 3D Art Competition and the creators behind the artworks you can view in this first-ever 3D Art exhibition hosted by SolSea.

Magical Dice


An experiment that tries to make full use of the properties of the glb files. This dice have crazy things to say ! Spin it and see what the last result is at the end of the animation !

Magical Dice

Licence : Repr/Comm
Monnayésur SolSea
Vérifiez tout avant d'acheter !Comment repérer les faux ?
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 12 %
Listé par : 6jej...6gwC
Adresse de vente :JB4m...mkyH
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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