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Who doesn’t like bubbles? My bubbles collections are series of acrylic pours with bubble embellishments , each artwork depicts of a childlike traits we all have or had at some point in our lives. Each NFTs are 1/1 art , all artwork are traditionally handpainted using acrylic pouring technique and embellished with bubbles. The sheer joyousness the bubble represents floating in the air, reflecting an unseen rainbow that gracefully glide across space, undulating on the air currents. The grace with which bubbles move brings to mind the grace of God. He, too, moves in gentle ways within our spirits, like a loving shepherd tenderly gathering the lambs to his heart (Isaiah 40:11). Perhaps God’s whole intention for creating bubbles (and many other phenomenon in nature) was to grab our attention and turn our thoughts to him.









Fluid art painting is a form of abstract art that uses acrylic paints with a runny (fluid) consistency. Layers of acrylic paint are poured into a cup, which then react with each other when combined to create organic free-flowing abstract compositions . When poured onto the canvas , the imbalance of different paint densities creates interesting and visually stunning reactions.


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Monnayésur SolSea
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Listé par : 2sSo...3MaN
Adresse de vente :HxDi...NrCh
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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