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To the SOLsea Owners and the SOLana Owners: I see you copied my idea of creating true liquidity, though your way is still a scam ponzi scheme , as it uses the f-AART token, and pairs the "investors" monies to be drained by USDC and other bogus stable coins and tokens, You all will lose in the long term and be exposed for the scammers you are.... *Verified by the Mastery of the Art* The name is Henry Mieles Borja, better known as Azul, I have a dream: That one day the weapons of war will be equalized by the defense against them, then we will ALL sit down at the table and fix the existence we've ALL collectively been handed... Let US ALL begin the journey of collectively changing the world for the betterment of ALL... In honor of Jesus Christ and His Eternal Holy Ghost that resides inside EL Planeta Azul - The Helper 2 US ALL

EL Salvador Azul



of Faith



On June 5 2021, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele declared that bitcoin, the world's first cryptocurrency, would become legal tender in El Salvador......A few days later, the Bitcoin Law was passed, to take effect September 7 2021......The real prize being the blockchain technology itself, that will one day bring about an end to the boom and bust cycles the world's financial dynasties have created on EL Planeta well as be the avenue to reintroduce millennium of warfare bounty back to the inhabitant's of the Earth......Azul The Helper 2 US ALL
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EL Salvador Azul

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Monnayésur SolSea
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Adresse de vente :Hu91...LvFS
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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