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"Do You Dare?" is a collection of short stories by author JD Armstrong. Of the horror and thriller genre. Currently being launched via Vaults on Solana. Each AI-generated piece is crafted using words chosen that represent the story. Some of them took many takes and tweaks to get the image that "felt right" to me. A few were nailed on the first take. Each piece comes with a copy of the story it relates to in epub form. You will need to contact me for the link.

Do You Dare?


Do You Dare? a collection of ten short stories by JD Armstrong. The image is AI-generated guided by select words JD uses that represent the story. Check out JD's Vault for more - Owner of this NFT gets the complete works of "Do You Dare?" epub version. Just contact JD for the link.

Do You Dare?

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Adresse de vente :HnKd...tSxS
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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