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We are in the NFT hype. Everyone wants to make profit, with this upcoming possibility. But nearly nobody is giving something back. The humanity is destroying the whole planet. There are so many peacefully living animals which lose their habitats and life’s. We founded our organization to give something back. We want to be the voice for the ones who can’t speak. Be part and help us on our journey. We donate 65% of every sale.

 Mother Nature




We are in the NFT hype. Everyone wants to make profit, with this upcoming possibility. But nearly nobody is giving something back. The humanity is destroying the whole planet. There are so many peacefully living animals which lose their habitats and life’s. We founded our organization to give something back. We want to be the voice for the ones who can’t speak. Be part and help us on our journey. We donate 65% of every sale.
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Mother Nature

Licence : Repr/Comm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 7 %
Listé par : J9Af...4j2M
Adresse de vente :Gwsn...L6EE
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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