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serenity collection cycles through time: a collection of 9 images from a single work. upon final sale of the 9 NFT's the final complete image that the 9 NFT's were minted from will be minted to complete the collection. #001-composite photo of old serenity. this photo which the other nine were minted from will be minted upon sale of all NTF’s: #002-leading the way. there are times the journey doesn’t start until the 5th, 6th, or even the 7th try: #003-framing our life. we have to frame our life to gain meaning: #004-perspective. we need perspective to gain purpose: #005-strong support. we need a strong support group to navigate through difficult terrain: #006-light the way. at times we are in the dark a good light helps us find our way: #007-keep spinning. when tired and ready to quite we must just keep spinning: #008-old guard. we need sturdy boundaries to keep the mud off: #009-reflecting. reflect on our life so others can gain from our progress: #010-leading the way. always push forward and move ahead:

leading the way


#002 in collection of 10: upon sale of all 9 NFT images the compete image that these 9 NFT's were created from will be minted and listed
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leading the way

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 5 %
Listé par : Fuz9...MVBX
Adresse de vente :Frgi...bwgv
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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