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Digital art made with a pointillist technique, each painting is unique and evokes abstract landscapes of destructive nature, such as hurricanes, storms, volcanoes, tempests, etc. The names of the artworks were taken from the list of retired hurricanes since 1954, and the author will only create new paintings for this collection if new real-world hurricanes are added to that list, and only for as long as the author lives. Author: A. P. V. Company: DISENARTE C.A. Collection name: Swirls Attributes: Hurricanes / Storms / Snowfalls / Tempests / Tsunamis / Whirlpools / Swamps / Volcanoes / Mountains / Cities / Forests / Flowers / Grass /







Digitally painted blue green wave or tsunami in pointillist technique. The emotions it evokes can be one of loneliness or devastation. The effect of movement attracts the eye to put the imagination to work. Author A.P.V. from DISEÑARTE Company.
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Monnayésur SolSea
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