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djhuguart is an agile engineer and scrum master living in Japan. In addition to being a blockchain engineer, he raises a family (two kids), makes tracks, and creates photos and NFT art for his music.This account is managed by @djhugu



Because of my job, I do and teach not only how to manage todo lists and tasks for individuals such as GTD, but also how to manage tasks for multiple people and projects such as product backlogs and agile development. So I think I'm familiar with all the methods for handling detailed tasks, brainstorming, and idea development, but I think there's no better moment than shower time to generate a variety of ideas. It is when you close your eyes and use your pantheon that the art


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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 10 %
Listé par : 4Lnw...mnDJ
Adresse de vente :EEpt...PJoB
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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