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Once upon a time, in the depths of cyberspace, a group of visionary artists and technologists came together with a shared dream: to create a digital ecosystem where art, technology, and community converge. Thus, the KOSMOS Kool Apes were born, each one a masterpiece in its own right, crafted with love and infused with the spirit of innovation.

Kosmo - Killer Apes


Kosmo Killer Apes


"In a distant galaxy, far beyond the reaches of our known universe, lies the mystical realm of KOSMOS. Here, amidst swirling nebulae and celestial wonders, an ancient order of Ninja Apes resides. These noble creatures are the guardians of cosmic balance, blending the agility of ninjas with the primal strength of apes.

Kosmo - Killer Apes

Licence : NoFin/Resale
Monnayésur SolSea
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