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Hi NFT world! My name is zorba, i am a sweet little creature born in 2011 from the creative mind of my maker Bruno De Roover from Belgium. My friends thought I was too cute to stay alone and encouraged Bruno to create not only 1/1 but 33 unique pieces and dive into the nft world. My dream is to make children’s books come to life through nft and to teach children about emotions and feelings.






light orange

Feeling distress. If you are in distress, you are in trouble. You're hurting — either physically or mentally. See the word stress hanging out at the end of distress? There's a good reason for that. The noun distress refers to a state of severe anxiety or strain, often brought about by failing to study for an exam, harassing grizzly bears, or borrowing your sister's clothes without asking. When used as a verb, to distress means to cause all that pain, suffering and anxiety — in other words, to stress somebody out.
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