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Zoo Skiing is a collection of up to 100 unique animated NFTs depicting low-poly animals on skis! Each NFT is one of a kind, individually created and features a different zoo animal. Zoo Skiing started life as a mobile app game released in 2015 by Digi-Chain Games. The game is no longer available but the animal skiers have now been turned into a collection of NFTs! This collection will initially feature the 20 animals from the original game - with an additional 80 animals to be created at the project progresses.


Crocodile is one of the Zoo Skiing NFT collection, a collection of up to 100 unique animated NFTs depicting different skiing animals. Each NFT has been individually created and is a 1 second seamless looping animation.
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Zoo Skiing #09

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
⚠️ NFT non vérifié - veuillez tout vérifier avant d'acheter
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 10 %
Listé par : 8c35...ZTec
Adresse de vente :DnQz...pbXu
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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