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We often only see beauty when we check the details. A glass ball is both a looking glass and an enclosed tiny sphere for beautiful, color-rich treasure can hide.

OrbScape 018 - Reflection Pool


The city was nestled along the shore of a sparkling blue lake, surrounded by rolling hills and verdant forests. As the sun set each evening, the city transformed into a dazzling spectacle of light and color, as the tall buildings reflected in the calm waters of the lake. The people of the city would often gather along the shore, watching as the lights of the city danced on the surface of the water. The colors shifted and changed, from warm oranges and pinks to cool blues and greens, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the night settled in. As the night wore on, the reflections took on a life of their own, as if they were a separate city, existing only in the shimmering waters of the lake. The lights of the buildings twinkled like stars, and the water rippled and danced with the passing boats and gentle breeze. It was a moment of peace and beauty, a time when the world slowed down and all was right with the world. And as the stars appeared in the sky and the moon rose over the hills, the people of the city would sit and watch the reflections, lost in the magic of the moment. For those brief hours each evening, the city was transformed into a work of art, a masterpiece of light and color, set against the tranquil backdrop of the lake. And as the night wore on and the reflections grew more vivid and beautiful, the people of the city would feel a sense of gratitude and wonder for the beauty of the world around them.

OrbScape 018 - Reflection Pool

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