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Balance sheets, interest rates, false proclamations, and poor forecasting; when I think of the Fed, these are the things I think of. In this collection, we celebrate the brave souls who have had the fortitude to print money out of absolutely nowhere. Whether with a real life printer or keyboard. Keeping Wall Street flush with buying power has been really swell. Thank you, Fed. Sincerely. You have given us wealth inequality. Wealth inequality that has indirectly lead to the creation of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. We'll be sure to remember that during the fourth turning. In all seriousness, these cards are my way of poking fun at people like Ben Bernanke and Jerome Powell. I do plan to expand the set. So be on the lookout for some fun new cards in the future. Maybe even an air drop or two? I sure hope so. Enjoy.

Janet Yellen 8/10


15th chair of the Federal Reserve. Janet Louise Yellen.
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Janet Yellen 8/10

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