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Conceptual art using a mix of keyword curation, colour tones and artificial intelligence. Each piece is based on a set of situations the artist finds himself in on a daily basis. This collection explores the relationship between postmodern vapourwave discourse and technology. With influences as diverse as Kafka and Tron Legacy, new insights are created from both mundane and transcendant discourse. Ever since I was a student I have been fascinated by the essential unreality of the universe. What starts out as yearning soon becomes corrupted into a dialectic of power, leaving only a sense of chaos and the chance of a new beginning. The METASYNTH is upon us.

Diatomic Earth


MetaSynth #25 "Diatomic Earth" witnesses the evolution of the electronic environment, the mind is reaching a point where it will be free from the body to share immersions into the parameters of the delphic space.
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Dank Dogz Society

Diatomic Earth

Licence : Repr/Comm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 5 %
Listé par : 3Mn3...vogM
Adresse de vente :DckW...brLz
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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