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Sensual Awakening






COSMIC MESSAGE: Sensual Awakening - Discover the ecstasy of your sacred sexuality. This card invites you to ride the waves of bliss into the highest vibrations heaven has to offer. Even though sexuality and sensuality are energetic qualities that are most often associated with the physical act of sex, sexual energy encompasses much more than that. Our sexuality is a representation of the universe's original desire to realize itself through the experiences it creates. You may think of a sexual climax as a microcosmic version of the very spark that brought all of creation into being. To become in touch with our sacred sexual energy, we must return to the original desire of experiencing pleasure through the senses. Our senses, which are often taking for granted, are a gateway into the highest states of elation. As you appreciate the simple pleasures of your senses, you will begin to reunite with your inherent sensual nature. Mastering your sexuality is crucial for having greater command of your emotional and creative energies and will lead to a renewed sense of confidence and overall well being.
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Sensual Awakening

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