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This collection is to honor all the famous people and scientists who have spent their lives for the progress and comfort of humanity. And here 39 paintings in portrait style will be created A new and wonderful style. Black, yellow, blue and green are the predominant colors. And in each painting, a symbol is hidden. After selling 50% of the collection, it will be shown to the first buyers and collectors.

Galileo Galilei


Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) is considered the father of modern science and made major contributions to the fields of physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics and philosophy. Galileo invented an improved telescope that let him observe and describe the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, sunspots and the rugged lunar surface. His flair for self-promotion earned him powerful friends among Italy’s ruling elite and enemies among the Catholic Church’s leaders. Galileo’s advocacy of a heliocentric universe brought him before religious authorities in 1616 and again in 1633, when he was forced to recant and placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Galileo Galilei

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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 7 %
Adresse de vente :CWmH...7Mzc
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