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This collection is created to support Ukrainian Army. All the money will be sent directly to the National Bank of Ukraine. All the photos are real and made by common people and militaries in different places in Ukraine. It describes the situation we currently have! Russian came to our land. Kill our people. Attack our houses and schools! Support this collection and help the world to stop PUTIN!

War in Ukraine.


This collection is created to support Ukrainian Army. All the money will be sent directly to the National Bank of Ukraine. All the photos are real and made by common people and militaries in different places in Ukraine. It describes the situation we currently have! Russian came to our land. Kill our people. Attack our houses and schools! Support this collection and help the world to stop PUTIN!
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War in Ukraine.

Licence : Rien n'est joint
Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 1 %
Listé par : 4KuY...eu4M
Adresse de vente :CVEU...C5wW
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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