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Hi NFT world! My name is zorba, i am a sweet little creature born in 2011 from the creative mind of my maker Bruno De Roover from Belgium. My friends thought I was too cute to stay alone and encouraged Bruno to create not only 1/1 but 33 unique pieces and dive into the nft world. My dream is to make children’s books come to life through nft and to teach children about emotions and feelings.







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Feeling exhausted. Up too late studying? Want nothing more than to get a little bit of sleep? Sounds like you're exhausted — all of your energy has been used up. Exhausted is spent, drained, and depleted. Though you might associate the word exhausted with people, it's a word that can be used to talk about anything that's depleted. You might want to continue traveling around Europe, but if your funds are exhausted, it's time to go home. If you're trying to get in touch with the airline so you can make a reservation for your homeward-bound trip, your patience may become exhausted after being placed on hold for hours.
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 15 %
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Adresse de vente :CPfy...aBf5
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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