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Within us burns a fire, not mere flame, but a vital embodiment of our existence. It's an amalgamation of passion, ideas, desires, persistence, love, and will. This blaze fuels our identity and liberates us to be what we dream. This relentless inferno offers fulfillment, inspiration, and well-being. It is our unyielding beacon we refuse to extinguish - the testament of our spirit.



The pelvis takes center stage, magnified into an expansive, oversized seashell. This deliberate grandeur serves to amplify not only its physical size but also its awe-inspiring might, pulsating energy, profound wisdom, and the essential role it plays as a guardian of life's most precious organs. The uterus and ovaries are treated with particular reverence. They are artistically depicted through the metaphor of a pomegranate, an ancient symbol of fertility and abundance. In doing so, they rise from the canvas, celebrated and venerated as the crown jewels of the pelvic sanctuary. This artwork is a bold exploration of the intrinsic power and nobility within the architecture of the female form.


Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Listé par : CPho...c1Sg
Adresse de vente :CNBs...WLTR
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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