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Ten Beer Styles, ten style appropriate glasses. Rendered in a child like simplicity that is easy to understand with complex undertones that are so subtle they are easy missed at first glance.

Pint Irish Red Ale


Irish red ale is a balanced, easy-drinking pint, with a moderate malt character full of caramel, toffee and toasted notes. The deep reddish copper color comes from both crystal malt and a small dose of highly kilned grain, such as roasted barley. Despite a slightly sweet overall character, the highly kilned grain adds a touch of dryness to the finish and can add a very slight touch of roasted flavor too. Hop bitterness is evenly balanced, but the dark malt addition can make the beer seem a little bitter. Hop flavor and aroma are non-existent. This beer can be brewed as either an ale or lager, but either way should be clean.
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Pint Irish Red Ale

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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