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The collection originated from a simple walk in the historical centre of Lecce, during a quiet September morning, several years ago. Stopping the moment with my camera had a pleasure not so different from walking around on a pleasant day or to breathe the warm air of a quiet September. Many years later, I now feel the weight of having chosen one moment to save instead of another, of having frozen the moment that will never return and thus betrayed its transient essence. To save the instant and betray its essence or to lose forever a world that no longer exists? Artistic creation and shaping of meanings, fortunately, are driven by forces that only much later can be understood.

Postcard #10






The collection originated from a simple walk in the historical centre of Lecce, during a quiet September morning, several years ago. Stopping the moment with my camera had a pleasure not so different from walking around on a pleasant day or to breathe the warm air of a quiet September. Many years later, I now feel the weight of having chosen one moment to save instead of another, of having frozen the moment that will never return and thus betrayed its transient essence. To save the instant and betray its essence or to lose forever a world that no longer exists? Artistic creation and shaping of meanings, fortunately, are driven by forces that only much later can be understood.

Postcard #10

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