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The exclusive "Lucky 3 Coin" Animated GIF NFT Collection is a remarkable fusion of the physical and digital realms, featuring three specially designed digital Feng Shui coins. These coins, originally real and tangible Feng Shui artifacts, have been skillfully translated into 3D digital art, giving rise to NFTs of extraordinary rarity. Revered for their significant role in Feng Shui, these coins are believed to endow their owners with considerable prosperity and wealth. Holding one of these distinctive NFTs offers a connection to a rare and proven higher realm of enhanced luck and prosperity. In addition, as a token holder, you'll enjoy privileged gift of 8,888,888 FSC Tokens. The unlockable content is a feast for the eyes, boasting high-quality animated GIF NFTs in a stunning 1920x1080px resolution, designed to bring a heightened level of fortune and abundance into your digital experience. 🌟 With only three of these animated GIF NFTs in existence, their rarity is unmatched. Each coin is meticulously crafted with distinct and exceptionally rare traits, enhancing their value and appeal. These NFTs are not just digital assets but are talismans in the digital realm, reputed to attract prosperity and happiness to their holders. 🌟

Lucky 3 Coin #2


The Lucky 3 Coin Collection unveils an exclusive trio of NFTs, each a digital reflection of a genuine Feng Shui coin renowned for bestowing immense luck and prosperity. Imbued with the ancient, 4,000-year-old metaphysical essence of Feng Shui, these NFTs are more than digital assets; they are talismans in the virtual realm, designed to attract wealth and good fortune. This collection harnesses Feng Shui’s practice of carrying a coin for luck. Here, in the digital metaverse, the NFT serves a similar purpose in your virtual wallet, alongside other digital assets, to magnetize prosperity. These three coins are extraordinarily unique and rare, unrivaled in their historic track record of bringing prosperity. ⭐ Each NFT in this collection is crafted from images of real Feng Shui coins, ensuring the preservation of their metaphysical properties in the digital form. ⭐ The NFTs feature a metallic purple backdrop, symbolizing the crown chakra, with Feng Shui associating purple with abundance, royalty, wealth, and self-worth. On one side, a golden Lucky Money Frog, encircled by bronze coins, signifies amplified wealth attraction. On the opposite, a golden Luxing statue embodies rank and influence, resonating with the energy of Ursa Majoris. Behind these symbols, three stars - Fuxing, Luxing, and Shouxing - add a celestial grace, while six purple lotuses symbolize beauty, spirituality, and the perfect balance of cause and effect. At the core, the ever-spinning Yin/Yang symbol represents the universe's dual nature, perpetually in motion to denote infinity and continuity. The scene is completed with six Chinese lanterns, embodying light and the promise of new beginnings filled with prosperity and peace. The Yin/Yang symbol, integral to this NFT, encapsulates the universe’s balance of opposing yet complementary forces, echoing ancient Taoist and Confucian philosophies. Exclusive Benefits for the Purchaser: - A physical Feng Shui coin sent to your address, bridging the gap between the digital and tangible worlds. - A collection of animated NFT gifs in various resolutions (Small, Large, and Full HD) to enhance your digital gallery. - A significant gift of 3,888,888 FSC Tokens to your Solana Wallet. This collection is not merely a digital acquisition; it represents the harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and modern digital artistry, enriching your life with a blend of prosperity and balance. 「幸運三硬幣收藏」展現了三個獨特的NFT,每一個都是真實風水硬幣的數字映射,這些硬幣因賦予巨大的運氣和繁榮而聞名。這些NFT不僅是數字資產,更是虛擬領域中的護身符,旨在吸引財富和好運。 這一系列利用風水中攜帶硬幣以求好運的做法。在數字世界裡,NFT在你的虛擬錢包中,與其他數字資產一起,起到吸引繁榮的作用。這三枚硬幣極為獨特且稀有,擁有帶來繁榮的歷史記錄。 ⭐ 每個NFT都是由真實風水硬幣的圖像製作而成,確保其在數字形式中保留了其玄學特性。⭐ NFT特色是金屬紫色背景,象徵著冠脈輪。在風水中,紫色與豐盛、皇室、財富和自我價值相關。一邊是金色的招財蛙,周圍環繞著銅幣,象徵著財富的增加。另一邊,金色的祿星雕像代表著地位和影響力,與大熊座的能量相呼應。 在這些象徵背後,三顆星星 - 福星、祿星和壽星 - 增添了天上的優雅,六朵紫色蓮花象徵美、靈性和因果平衡的完美。核心的不斷旋轉的陰陽符號代表著宇宙的雙重本質,永遠運動以表示無限和連續性。場景中還有六個中國燈籠,象徵著光明和充滿繁榮與和平的新開始的承諾。 這NFT中不可或缺的陰陽符號,涵蓋了宇宙對立而又互補的平衡,呼應了古老的道家和儒家哲學。 購買者專屬福利: 將實體風水硬幣寄送至您的地址,橋接數字與實體世界。 提供各種分辨率(小型、大型和全高清)的動態NFT gif,豐富您的數字畫廊。 將3,888,888 FSC代幣贈送至您的Solana錢包。 這個系列不僅是數字藝術品的收購,它代表著古老智慧與現代數字藝術的和諧融合,為您的生活帶來繁榮與平衡的結合。

Lucky 3 Coin #2

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Monnayésur SolSea
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Listé par : 4LSK...vZB5
Adresse de vente :BR6k...3H4p
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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