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Energy flows for working with a person's consciousness and his energy bodies. They work through the heart center. Integration of energy flows into the light body. Training to work with energy flows. I work with human bioenergetics. I integrate energy flows to work with human consciousness. Each energy flow through the drawing integrates with the human bioenergetics and works through the heart center, contributing to the healing and purification of human consciousness and energy from destructive programs.


Energy flow from the primordial. This quasar has multidimensional action. Cleans the energy bodies, the mental field, opens the heart center. Builds a connection between the spark of the person with the primordial. It manifests and transforms destructive, parasitic programs in the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person. Carries the truth of the primordial. Able to build protection of human bioenergy. Reveals the vision of the primordial truth in a person's life. Opened by human intent or visually.
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Quasar. Energy flow.

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