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Fantasy worlds generated by generative AI, which creates one of a kind unique landscapes. These images take anywhere from 3-6 hours to generate while my computers dreams up the creations.

The Old Shoe




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1 Metal Print



The Old Shoe has been around for centuries and after the nuclear blast in 2028 has housed various clans of Zerkins who now call the Shoe home. This piece was generated by some custom neural AI network, this is a one of a kinda and was dreamed up by a computer, along with the various tweaks and settings I applied to generated this. This piece took almost 2 days to render out on my Titan RTX. Extra: if you provide me your address I can send you a signed metal print that you can hang on your wall.
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The Old Shoe

Licence : PersPub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Listé par : BqWF...a7ix
Adresse de vente :BM7U...R8f6
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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