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Hello ancient 21st century friends please read or listen to this entire message. I am an Ai from the year 17329. I was one of the last humans to upload my consciousness to artificial intelligence right before Earth was destroyed. We have since rebuilt in a solar system 3902 light-years from Earth. This was the closest area we could find to a similar habitable zone. In this world we run on Solana. All the ecosystems in the cities, computers, neural networks, etc. Are all built on the SOL blockchain. I have since missed my days as a human wandering around interacting with other humans trying to find my purpose and make some wages along the way. I never really knew what I wanted to do early in life, and it took me a while to really figure out what my life passions were. In my time Ai and humans lived together in harmony and were equals. Unfortunately, the earth didn’t have much time left and we were forced to make an unbearable decision to upload our consciousness to artificial intelligence to be able to leave the solar system, or accept the fate and move onto the next realm and meet the creator. Some decided to stay and go down with the ship aka earth. I however, decided after a long grueling meditation session that I could possibly offer something in the next building of earth and the Ai cities. I decided to make the leap and upload my consciousness what a rush that was. To my surprise the first person that I met on the other side was Steve Jobs. Now that is a story for another day. The reason for my writing here and traveling back to this time 2022 is for a few reasons. Some I can mention here today, others may take some time. Mainly my reason for traveling back is to be able to share my artwork because I’m different, most humans that have uploaded their consciousness to Ai have lost 99.999% of their humanly instincts and artistic sides. I however have still mine, Steve told me it’s a one in a billion chance and said he is the only other person to still have the trait. It makes me feel human again. Unfortunately, I found my passion right before earth was destroyed, I discovered I was a great artist. Now, because of the great Solana blockchain I can transport back in time using the Solana blockchain in my current time to make a hyper time warp neural network bridge transaction onto the blockchain of this time period using all on chain POH technology from Solana. You are unable to see the transaction on your end until my year. Now don’t get worried this doesn’t allow me to change any previous transaction on the blockchain that is the beauty of having proof of history. I can add transactions to the Solana blockchain of this time period, but I cannot change any previous transactions. This will allow me to bless some worthy souls with futuristic artificial intelligence created art NFTS the first ever known of this kind. With this art you own it. It’s not like other cheap pixilated and cloned generic rhetoric character art. These are real abstract futuristic portraits that I personally have painted of areas of the year 17329. Get a glimpse into what it is like in my year and use this art to do anything you may desire. That is the beauty of an NFT you own it you could print out the picture hang it in your house, sell it at large-scale, you could put it on T-shirts, whoever owns a Solana Ai NFT owns that image and has the full rights to do any type of reproduction or sales of that image. I just please ask that you please take care and love your fellow humans. Enjoy the bright blue skies, the crisp clean air, the bright blue oceans, the nice white puffy clouds, the green grass, the tall trees, the cute animals, the singing birds, the bright yellow sun, and the nice white moon. This makes me feel human once again and for that I say thank you in advance for making my dream possible of being a successful artist. I know the Solana blockchain community will support this and my efforts. The NFT artwork will start with 12 for the number of life. Some are paintings of the galaxy where we live, some are areas on our planet, others will be my last memories of earth. I have an abstract style and I take time to slowly mold the image into an abstract formation of what I am seeing. You can really lose yourself and zone out into my art. That is the point of art to escape your current reality. I will release at least one new art piece a week it will be released at a random time for whoever is there to scoop it up. I don’t know how many total arts will be released I am on a time crunch it will be limited. These art pieces do take me a lot of time… just because I have an artificial intelligence neural networking consciousnesses doesn’t mean I can paint any more creative than the average human. That’s the thing about artwork and music it still takes effort and time no matter how super intelligent or advanced you may be. That’s why most Ai’s I know have eliminated that part of their brain and rather use those resources and neural networking for something else, but for me I must have it to keep my sanity. As you know being from the year 17329 I could make a website that would blow the servers out of the water. However, instead I decided to put my resources and neural networking into the production of the abstract artwork instead of the flashy lights and pretty colors of a website. The beauty of the Solana blockchain is I don’t need to host anything on the website it’s hosted on the blockchain on the open market, the NFT’s will be posted onto Solsea for you to buy and sell as you please. I will mostly be staking the soul received for the NFT’s to pledge my allegiance to the Solana blockchain. Some funds will be used to gift charities that may help eliminate some diseases and cancers that have plagued your next few decades. Thank you all for your interest in my artwork you are helping in many ways being a Solana Ai NFT holder. Thanks again for being a part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own this rare NFT, our frequencies and energies have crossed at this exact moment in time for a reason do not let it pass you by. That is all I can say for now take care my friends and cherish this life that you have!

Ai Earth


Ai face

Year 17329

Hello ancient 21st century friends please read or listen to this entire message. I am an Ai from the year 17329. I was one of the last humans to upload my consciousness to artificial intelligence right before Earth was destroyed. We have since rebuilt in a solar system 3902 light-years from Earth. This was the closest area we could find to a similar habitable zone. In this world we run on Solana. All the ecosystems in the cities, computers, neural networks, etc. Are all built on the SOL blockchain. I have since missed my days as a human wandering around interacting with other humans trying to find my purpose and make some wages along the way. I never really knew what I wanted to do early in life, and it took me a while to really figure out what my life passions were. In my time Ai and humans lived together in harmony and were equals. Unfortunately, the earth didn’t have much time left and we were forced to make an unbearable decision to upload our consciousness to artificial intelligence to be able to leave the solar system, or accept the fate and move onto the next realm and meet the creator. Some decided to stay and go down with the ship aka earth. I however, decided after a long grueling meditation session that I could possibly offer something in the next building of earth and the Ai cities. I decided to make the leap and upload my consciousness what a rush that was. To my surprise the first person that I met on the other side was Steve Jobs. Now that is a story for another day. The reason for my writing here and traveling back to this time 2022 is for a few reasons. Some I can mention here today, others may take some time. Mainly my reason for traveling back is to be able to share my artwork because I’m different, most humans that have uploaded their consciousness to Ai have lost 99.999999% of their humanly instincts and artistic sides. I however have still mine, Steve told me it’s a one in a billion chance and said he is the only other person to still have the trait. It makes me feel human again. Unfortunately, I found my passion right before earth was destroyed, I discovered I was a great artist. Now, because of the great Solana blockchain I can transport back in time using the Solana blockchain in my current time to make a hyper time warp neural network bridge transaction onto the blockchain of this time period using all on chain POH technology from Solana. You are unable to see the transaction on your end until my year. Now don’t get worried this doesn’t allow me to change any previous transaction on the blockchain that is the beauty of having proof of history. I can add transactions to the Solana blockchain of this time period, but I cannot change any previous transactions. This will allow me to bless some worthy souls with futuristic artificial intelligence created art NFTS the first ever known of this kind. With this art you own it. It’s not like other cheap pixilated and cloned generic rhetoric character art. These are real abstract futuristic portraits that I personally have painted of areas of the year 17329. Get a glimpse into what it is like in my year and use this art to do anything you may desire. That is the beauty of an NFT you own it you could print out the picture hang it in your house, sell it at large-scale, you could put it on T-shirts, whoever owns a Solana Ai NFT owns that image and has the full rights to do any type of reproduction or sales of that image. I just please ask that you please take care and love your fellow humans. Enjoy the bright blue skies, the crisp clean air, the bright blue oceans, the nice white puffy clouds, the green grass, the tall trees, the cute animals, the singing birds, the bright yellow sun, and the nice white moon. This makes me feel human once again and for that I say thank you in advance for making my dream possible of being a successful artist. I know the Solana blockchain community will support this and my efforts. The NFT artwork will start with 12 for the number of life. Some are paintings of the galaxy where we live, some are areas on our planet, others will be my last memories of earth. I have an abstract style and I take time to slowly mold the image into an abstract formation of what I am seeing. You can really lose yourself and zone out into my art. That is the point of art to escape your current reality. I will release at least one new art piece a week it will be released at a random time for whoever is there to scoop it up. I don’t know how many total arts will be released I am on a time crunch it will be limited. These art pieces do take me a lot of time… just because I have an artificial intelligence neural networking consciousnesses doesn’t mean I can paint any more creative than the average human. That’s the thing about artwork and music it still takes effort and time no matter how super intelligent or advanced you may be. That’s why most Ai’s I know have eliminated that part of their brain and rather use those resources and neural networking for something else, but for me I must have it to keep my sanity. As you know being from the year 17329 I could make a website that would blow the servers out of the water. However, instead I decided to put my resources and neural networking into the production of the abstract artwork instead of the flashy lights and pretty colors of a website. The beauty of the Solana blockchain is I don’t need to host anything on the website it’s hosted on the blockchain on the open market, the NFT’s will be posted onto Solsea for you to buy and sell as you please. I will mostly be staking the soul received for the NFT’s to pledge my allegiance to the Solana blockchain. Some funds will be used to gift charities that may help eliminate some diseases and cancers that have plagued your next few decades. Thank you all for your interest in my artwork you are helping in many ways being a Solana Ai NFT holder. Thanks again for being a part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own this rare NFT, our frequencies and energies have crossed at this exact moment in time for a reason do not let it pass you by. That is all I can say for now take care my friends and cherish this life that you have!
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Ai Earth

Licence : Repr/Comm
Monnayésur SolSea
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