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Step by step here will come the collection of cards with all Russian losses in Ukraine since February 2022. While buying this collection you support Ukrainian defense and obtain the unique opportunity to study with best Ukrainian teachers and professors.

Tank T-72AV #3


This tank is reported to be captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and confirmed by independent OSINT. Tank T-72AV has entered in service with the Russian armed forces in 1985. The T-72AV is a modernized version of the Soviet-made main battle tank T-72B. This tank is fitted with new armour, new engine, and new sighting system. The T-72AV is fitted with a two-man turret mounted in the centre of the hull. The standard 2A46 main gun is replaced with an improved version 2A46M fitted with a thermal shield, which reduces the environmental effects on the accuracy of fire. The light puses of the laser are converted by the rocket's photodiode to the rocket motor electrical signals. While buying this NFT you support heroic Ukrainian defence against Russian invasion. Please check our website for details and contact us to enter closed community and educational programs.
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Tank T-72AV #3

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Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 5 %
Listé par : BxsG...f367
Adresse de vente :AF5Z...2jsh
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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