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Collection of aboriginal gods of the American continent, made with a mixture of digital techniques, generative art, digital art, artificial intelligence and 3d.















The Pomo called Madumda the creator god of the world. One day he decided to create people. He first made little people out of the rocks, then gave them long hair out of his own. He made some people out of bird feathers and furry deer out of armpit hair. He made all kinds of people out of different kinds of material. He finally made naked people like us out of plants that grew on the hills. Madumda gave these people the Earth and taught them how to eat and live. Over time the people began to misbehave, killing each other and not taking care of their children, Madumda decided to send a great flood to get rid of them. When everyone had gone Madumda wished for a village and there was one. He filled it with new people, but these also turned out bad, so he sent a great fire to destroy them. He made new people with willow wands, He taught them to hunt with bows and arrows, the art of basket weaving and how to eat before going to his home north. He didn't work either and eliminated them this time by freezing the planet. He created a new population with willow wands, and again it went wrong, Finally Madumda made many people out of the willow wands. This time he made groups that spoke different languages. He taught them their dances and ceremonies, how to eat, weave, hunt and take care of things. He ordered the coyotes to watch over the towns. He also gave each animal its particular place. Finally, he left the world, warning of correct behavior; It is the last chance for humanity.


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