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Heaven Land builds a virtual reality platform where users can experience, improve and monetize their assets. Loyalty NFTs serve as multifunctional assets for the Heaven Land Metaverse. Among others, the purpose of the Loyalty NFTs is to distribute HTO tokens to the minters. However, the NFTs bring their owners advantages every time they make an HTO payment through Heaven Land services - marketplace, parcel merging, avatar breeding, in-game payments, with much more to come. HTO tokens serve as the main currency in the Heaven Land Metaverse. Everything payable in Heaven Land will have to be paid in HTO. Heaven Land success equals to HTO success.

Loyalty #748




Loyalty Heart

Electric Blue

Top Thimbles

Carbon Steel Sapphire

Top Spikes


Top Bangle

Peace & Growth

Top Radium


Bottom Thimbles

Titanium Moonstone

Bottom Spikes

Black Onyx

Bottom Bangle

Balance & Loyalty

Bottom Radium


Loyalty NFTs serve as multifunctional assets for the Heaven Land Metaverse, giving their owners bonuses every time they make an HTO payment through Heaven Land space.


Loyalty #748

Licence : Rien n'est joint
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 5 %
Adresse de vente :A6pS...SoFN
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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