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Animals decided to get rid of people and they took their wealth. Now they can live like they always wanted to. Collection has 25 NFTs and there are 5 different levels in total - starting from the lowest: Bronze: 9x Silver: 7x Gold: 5x Diamond: 3x Legendary: 1x There will be two more collections released as well, marked as Treasure Edition. All of them will have Legendary Keys. If you collect three keys (one from each Edition) + if you get at least one card from any of Treasure Edition collections - you will get an Unique NFT related to our series and this one will be minted special for this occasion - along with that there will be extra reward.

Rainbow Key







5 of 5


Access to Unlockable Content

This key is unique. In each Treasure Edition you can find one key (there will be three keys in total). Collect all of them and get an access to a treasure chest. A reward is waiting for you.
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Rainbow Key

Licence : PersPub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
⚠️ NFT non vérifié - veuillez tout vérifier avant d'acheter
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 10 %
Listé par : H2JR...DMoA
Adresse de vente :A2LG...8qRQ
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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