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These "pieces" are an expression of our deepest thoughts and feelings: this collection will reflect our love for nature. We've being fortunate enough to always find awesome natural surroundings regardless of the season, to capture with our cameras, magical moments to later convert them into post impressionist paintings with a "twist".

Covid-19 Gender Gap


If care work were fully paid, it would be the biggest sector of the world economy. The pandemic has had a very negative effect in precisely this area with women paying the price. The extra workload of childcare and home schooling weighed more heavily on women than on men. Men have more than 70% more assets than women. Women also have much less social security and are less often eligible for a pension, almost 85% of those who receive no pension at retirement age are women.
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Covid-19 Gender Gap

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 7 %
Listé par : 9eZb...a7HW
Adresse de vente :9QK8...pUWc
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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