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NiFTy…Scroog gotten be the flyest NFT you gone find on the market. Gonna obliverate all the games now. It’s been done here what won’t been done before. Wake up on them islands in the sun with no cold feet. Show em off now. PDAs: that public display. It’s been born once here, and you sell um to a friend. They’ll love it as once was you did (reread that all again), believe me when I said that. Sell em to a friend make em sell em again. Money gone stack up under your pillow case. You’ll see it all. From the market to the mess hall. From under rock to belize seas. Get you one now, before they’re all done up. GONE! Never see another again. Irreplaceable. Can’t be traced or made again. Unseen to the naked eyed. Evanescence on your Sirius XM. When you don’t have em they bite and sting. When they are yours, they sing. Oh! The brightness they will bring. Bring them all to their knees. Make the other NFTs scream run and lose bling bling. Gone make the team. 1,2,3 and ling ling. Pick a number: 1 through 10. Then sell it and sell it again. Look at all the money is will bring. Check your pockets. Shake out the lint. Buy this and make em teeth glint. Not to would be a sin. Know you want more then a cent now. This coin here will make you rent.



The original NiFTy

NiFTy…Yak from NiFTy…Scroog

This is a NiFTy feller here… yah.. he is a Scroog and he got himself a NiFTy…Yak! Gone make ya won’t one too…just looking at it. Gently dipping the paddle, just enough to turn the boat his way a little. Little bit there, little bit here, little bit before, just like he’s the leader. Metaphorically. Metaphor and a simile. It’s all similar…Similarly. It only takes a little paddle to go a long way. Put a little paddle in the water for yourself now. ‘Fore it’s too late. You know you gone want to. Don’t miss out. Better now then never. This boi going a long way with that paddle he got. It ain’t far now til he makes it all way upstream. Just like Huck Finn and his buddy, and look! Mira! Look at all them fish! They’re legitimate ain’t they… read that all again. Legitimacy. That’s the key word. He gotta paddle real quiet like and all them fish just gonna jump in..Like ninjitsu. You gonna wanna pay up now.. the boi got fish on deck and you can be a ninja too. So many fish…you gonna wanna go pescatarian. You know you really gonna wanna one…Eventually. This one the OG too. Don’t get any more original than this: NiFTy…yak. NiFTy…Scroog—— ya know you gonna wanna one.
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