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My process: The original, physical abstract art is painted with acrylic paint on canvas and then the image is photographed. Like any other image created by an artist, the photograph of the original abstract painting is manipulated on a computer. In this case I am using my original abstract painting as the source material to create the desired aesthetic results for the digital painting. It is completely unique and different from the original abstract painting and is not created through the use of artificial intelligence. In other words: there is a three-step process, Paint manually the original painting, photograph the artwork, and digitally paint over the image file using a pen and painting program.

Moon Delight


Abstract Art

Abstract Painting

One of a kind piece

NOT AI (Artificial intelligence) generated

Hand drawn and individually manipulated on computer

minted 1 of 1 Unique No duplicates

Abstract Art 12.8 MB (13,466,590 bytes

3540 x 2716 pix, 180 dpi resolution

Moon Delight - Abstract Art 12.8 MB (13,466,590 bytes 3540 x 2716 pix, 180 dpi resolution My process: The original, physical abstract art is painted with acrylic paint on canvas and then the image is photographed. Like any other image created by an artist, the photograph of the original abstract painting is manipulated on a computer. In this case I am using my original abstract painting as the source material to create the desired aesthetic results for the digital painting. It is completely unique and different from the original abstract painting and is not created through the use of artificial intelligence. In other words: there is a three-step process: I Paint manually the original painting, photograph the artwork, and digitally paint over the image file using a pen and painting program.
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Moon Delight

Licence : PersPub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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