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Space Boxing Collector Series Collection

Alien Hacker vs AI Spacebot


"Gold [Crypto Gold Standard]"

"Asset attached, one gram of troy ounce grade gold set at current market price when transaction"

"Solona Blockchain NFT"

"Solona cryptocurrency set at current market price when transaction"

"Rare Digital Art"

"Rare Digital Art Price set within Gold and Solona set current market prices at transaction"

"Space Boxing Collector Series Collection"

"Space Boxing Collector Series - Alien Hacker vs AI Spacebot"

"This Solona NFT is backed by the Crypto Gold Standard. Space Boxing Collector Series - Alien Hacker vs AI Spacebot NFT on Solona blockchain priced at 1.0 SOL includes one gram of troy ounce grade Gold redeemable upon purchase of NFT. Buyer send 1.5 SOL to Phantom Receive Address 3CdyAj4Nnn1SQriG7o7Wo3dskSZKyNLUu11NEd3ESYik Binding to all resells, royalties set at twenty six percent, send Royalty Payments to Solona Receive Address: AH8wu9g9Mx28Lo91aL48CspRGyR6f2adoFGdnset4DgD INSTRUCTIONS TO REDEEM GOLD ASSET: Gold redemption due from Original Creator not applicable to any resells. Buyer send proof of purchase and your mailing address in writing to Original Creator Ward Smith II to mailing address 9604 E. 48th St., Kansas City, MO 64133 or send this request by email to Original Creator at"

Alien Hacker vs AI Spacebot

Licence : Priv/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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⚠️ NFT non vérifié - veuillez tout vérifier avant d'acheter
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 0.39 %
Listé par : 3Cdy...SYik
Adresse de vente :8m3c...81SF
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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