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"For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us."   ~ Richard H. Baker My name is Synchronised Universe, and I am a writer and a researcher, researching ancient texts, occult, symbology, esoteric info and connecting the dots, in order to rediscover the true history of this planet, our solar system and humanity. This has even forced me to deeply look into the extraterrestrial influences in history, where they come from, what their agenda might have been, and more. Additional research made me realize that these ancient beings never left–they are still here, and they are huge plans for humanity. Unfortunately, these plans are not to our benefit! Check out my NFTs for easter eggs to these truths!




Self Knowledge is going to be the way out of the mess that we're in. Once we recognise the problems, the solution really lies in understanding WHO WE REALLY ARE. And the only way you can that is if you have enough knowledge - of yourself, how your own consciousness works and How to bring that consciousness to a place of balance.


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