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Ever wondered what Whistler's mother's place was like the day before he created his famous 'Arrangement in Grey and Black No 1'? How about the Mondays after most Sundays on the Island of La Grande Jatte, as painted by Seurat? And what was it that prompted Mark Rothko to start creating his iconic 'colour field' paintings? This collection of images is a record of some of the befores and afters of such famed works.

Rothko Paints the Kitchen, 1947










Circa 1947, Mark Rothko decides to paint his kitchen. He is not sure what colour to do it in so he uses some old paint samplers to try out some options. After some thought, he and Mell decide that they like it pretty much as is. png; 7200px x 4114px @ 200ppi; 23MB This image was created using a selection of text to image AI images made with Adobe Firefly Image 2 and Midjourney ( and composited in Adobe Photoshop.

Rothko Paints the Kitchen, 1947

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