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Every 4 years a new Puppet Master is placed in office through a fraudulent voting system riddled with propaganda. This Puppet plays a key role parading as a leader, but really he's nothing more than a marionette on strings controlled by an elite shadow government. So far there are 9 core Puppets minted and Listed in their entirety according to artist preference. Keep checking back for the wacky mix up Puppets coming soon!

Vaxx News


The Nerd Puppet did it! He created a Vaccine for the Sucker Parasite. He encourages everyone get the Vaccine, even if you're not a Sucker. You could show no signs of infection, yet still pass it on to someone else, most likely resulting in their death. "Don't be selfish, be a Hero!", the Nerd Puppet says, "Shot or not, you still have to wear your 3D glasses though."
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Vaxx News

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