"Solana Beaglemania" Original Verified by Solsea #0191 (@NFTbeaglemania on Twitter , and @BeaglemaniaNFT on IG ) is an Awesome collection unique based on my own nice beagle its 36 x 36 generative pixel, all made in 9 layers and Minted in Solana Blockchain, (some of this collection of almost 1500 NFT Original ). Solana Beaglemania Metadata is stored on amazing permanent decentralized data storage Solana. Each beagle is created one by one for our sucessfully artist on our Studio, All the pieces are Original. Also on the project we like to make better the world with philanthropic contributions to the cause of St Jude with almost our 20% of the profit. You can see all Metadata in SolScan powered by Solana Blockchain. a short term goal of the Team is to become Solana Beaglemania the NFT in Solana top 5.