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Marking 22 months since russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began, we at Helping to Leave are launching a special project: an NFT collection that consists of unique images and real stories of Ukrainians evacuated from areas of military conflict. The number "22" commemorates the 22 months of the ongoing brutal war (as of December 2023) and also represents the year the full-scale invasion began. We prepared our collection in December, yet finalized the minting in January. Therefore, we added one more bonus NFT to the collection to represent the recently passed year 2023 and the ongoing 23rd month of the full-scale invasion. The tokens are priced according to different categories of evacuation case complexity. Purchase an NFT or spread the word to help us evacuate more Ukrainians who need this today.

#16 A 250-Year-Old Amulet



Ukraine, war








250-year-old amulet

The full-scale invasion caught Maryna, a 46-year-old Ukrainian, and her big family in their apartment in Koriukivka town in Chernihiv Oblast. Since the first days, the situation there became frightening, with the enemy tanks and armored vehicles freely roaming previously quiet streets. After the advancements of the Ukrainian army, the town became more or less safe again until the summer of 2023 when the heavy shelling forced Maryna to leave. She reached out to Helping to Leave via the chatbot, and one of the volunteers helped her to build a route to Warsaw where she could catch a plane to Norway. Maryna traveled with her 74-year-old mother, five of her kids, and a 3-year-old granddaughter. The evacuation process went as comfortably and smoothly as possible, thanks to the well-planned route and volunteers’ help. Marina kept her great-grandmother’s 250-year-old amulet as a symbol of a favorable force protecting the entire family for several generations. Norway welcomed Marina and her family with magnificent nature and the friendliness of the local people. But most importantly, she is no longer afraid for the lives of her loved ones.

#16 A 250-Year-Old Amulet

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Monnayésur SolSea
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Listé par : 9MQ5...WuCG
Adresse de vente :7QcK...Rn4e
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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