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The Yoruba Gods NFT project tells a powerful story of Africanism, but this time, the focus is on the Yorùbá culture. YG NFT 1.0: 5 out of the great 401 Yorùbá gods, here to remind YOU though flawed and human, YOU are perfect and a god, look within, all that YOU seek is inside YOU, Only IF YOU are ready. ARE YOU READY TO STEP TO YOUR GOD?

#Yemoja Mother's Essence




Yemoja or Yemaya, the Queen Mother, epitomizes motherhood and rules all issues pertaining to women. The translation of her name, “The Mother Whose Children are Fish” has dual implications: Yemaya’s children are innumerable: she is the mother of most of the orishas. Her generosity and benevolence has also garnered her countless human devotees, equivalent to the innumerable fish of the sea. Yemoja generously bestows abundance, wealth, healing, love, and fertility, but she is also the essence of tidal waves and rip currents. #Yemoja Mother's Essence

#Yemoja Mother's Essence

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Monnayésur SolSea
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Listé par : 2eH6...KXV9
Adresse de vente :7QDg...X7sz
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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