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Eye of Eleriah #2240


Transponder Locked?

Open to Transmissions


Cycle #1

Domain Trait

Alienind Chasms

Dormant Trait


Dormant Trait


Dormant Trait


This is a transponder NFT; a window into our metaverse. It will transform into different facets of our story-universe until you decide to lock it in its current state. You can only lock your NFT once its Lockable attrribute turns to Yes. Once locked it won't transform again. The choice is yours to make. This NFT is part of Project Eluüne. A website for locking the Eye will be revealed on Project Eluüne discord and twitter during the First Locking event
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Eye of Eleriah #2240

Licence : Rien n'est joint
Ce NFT est répertorié pour l'instant !
⚠️ NFT non vérifié - veuillez tout vérifier avant d'acheter
Vérifiez tout avant d'acheter !Comment repérer les faux ?
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 7.027 %
Adresse de vente :7LuQ...xtQ6
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan