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Every sketchbook is a doorway into Sketchotopia, an extra-dimensional reality where drawings come to life. Sketechotopia NFTs are the spirits that spring forth from this mystical land. Owning one brings fortune and prosperity to the imaginations of the world. The "sketchlings" of Sketchotopia exist in both physical and metaverse realities.

Sketchling #6


Kereg was a construct of my imagination that I had forgotten about. I would get so caught up in the day to day, that Kereg and the story he was a part of would disappear from my mind. Then one day it all changed. I opened up my laptop and typed in "Project Starlight" into Google's search bar. The computer told me there were six million pages for this topic on the internet and to click here if I wanted access to them. So of course, out of curiosity, I clicked on one of these links and found myself staring at an empty page with only a blinking cursor waiting for input. The page was blank and then Kereg the Sketchling reappeared.

Sketchling #6

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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