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12.5 PpL


An ode & thank you to Gary Vaynerchuk. His new book is 🔥 and I wanted to take this opp to combine doodle-art, new books, and the lessons that GV has so generously bestowed. I don't fully know what I'm doing, but I'm "doing". I only own 1 NFT and when I got that $6 piece of digi-art it was the MOST thrilling moment. I still don't know why it was SO thrilling, but it was! I hope the price point here is accessible enough to give you that same "1st-NFT' THRILL. In this drawing, you'll find 12.5 lil PpL just hanging out. They're cute, thoughtful, mischievous lil beings all having a moment on a stack of Gary Vee's books.
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12.5 PpL

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