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Crystal $BILLYs are a series of NFTs that can be staked to earn $BILLY. Released in exclusive waves, the value of these NFTs correlates with the market cap of $BILLY, ensuring that as the market cap climbs, so does the value of each Crystal $BILLY NFT. This mechanism ensures that the initial outlay for your NFT is not only justified by the rising floor price but also by the continuous ability to mine $BILLY. Over time, your NFT's worth is exponentially greater than its purchase price, not just because of the increase in floor value but due to the ongoing earning potential it provides.

Crystal $BILLY #9


Owning this makes you a legend. Stake this NFT to earn $BILLY.

Crystal $BILLY #9

Licence : Pub/NonComm
Monnayésur SolSea
⚠️ NFT non vérifié - veuillez tout vérifier avant d'acheter
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 15 %
Listé par : NSJp...9Fuz
Adresse de vente :6ZUc...MEzx
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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