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'Hash && Dash' is a collection of 100 generative drawings using the token's addresses as seed. It was created using p5js, some salt and a bit of luck! All pieces are 1800x1800px, first released 2021/09/04 by Christin Penz. Each mint can be reconstructed using the original generative script, each script's SHA-256 fingerprint can be found in the respective token transaction.

Hash and Dash #00


This is a generative drawing using the token's address as seed. It is part of the collection 'Hash && Dash' and was created using p5js, some salt and a bit of luck! 1800x1800px, released 2021/09/04 by Christin Penz. The script's SHA-256 fingerprint can be found in transaction 4BY47UHwW9xa9nJWjCufmBriRGVg1GRSGv3JA5esnHccrF8k6S9Y95G1Sb8jxQ8g2LDvmH5BP1shu15dWAEEeN8D.


Hash and Dash #00

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Adresse de vente :6N5J...Pg2p
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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