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Each Pyramid is one of a kind and will never be in existence again. “These accounts of ‘lost’ or anomalous knowledge are building blocks of an alternative universe, and, taken altogether, they reveal something of the deep structure of this alternative universe. They also show that this universe made up of anomalies may be more real than the everyday, commonsensical one!” MARK BOOTH, AUTHOR OF THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD”







Philosophers, mystics, artists, scientists, scholars and people from all walks of life have posed these questions for countless generations. These are the ultimate questions for which we seek answers. These are the questions that are posed for consideration in the presentation What On Earth Is Happening. They are:   * Who are we? * What is the purpose of human life? * Why do we hold certain beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world in which we live? * Why do we act the way we do toward ourselves and others? * What is actually happening in our world? * Is there significance and purpose to the events that are occurring? * Can we improve ourselves and the world in which we live, and if so, how?


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