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The Satoshi Legacy Market is the dedicated hub for collectors and enthusiasts to acquire NFTs from the highly anticipated collection, 'The Genesis Archives: The Satoshi Legacy.' This collection celebrates the pivotal moments in Bitcoin's history and pays homage to Satoshi Nakamoto's revolutionary vision.

The Genesis Block: Dawn of Decen


Genesis Block




This NFT commemorates the historical moment when the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain, known as the Genesis Block, was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto. This piece symbolizes the birth of decentralized finance and the foundation of the cryptocurrency revolution. The futuristic, minimalistic design reflects the technological innovation and foresight that continue to inspire the digital economy today. Owning this NFT is a tribute to the origins of blockchain technology and a reminder of the immense potential that decentralized systems offer to the world.

The Genesis Block: Dawn of Decen

Licence : Repr/Comm
Monnayésur SolSea
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Redevances des créateurs sur les ventes secondaires : 1 %
Listé par : HdaK...Q1Gf
Adresse de vente :6Gcy...kgAc
Métadonnées NFT : Voir sur SolScan
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