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Each Pyramid is one of a kind and will never be in existence again. “These accounts of ‘lost’ or anomalous knowledge are building blocks of an alternative universe, and, taken altogether, they reveal something of the deep structure of this alternative universe. They also show that this universe made up of anomalies may be more real than the everyday, commonsensical one!” MARK BOOTH, AUTHOR OF THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD”

Lost Knowledge


By recognizing that many modern discoveries are actually rediscoveries of lost knowledge from past civilizations, the essays in this collection aim to contextualize, within the bigger picture of human knowledge, the achievements and events giving rise to a fundamental understanding of where our present time fits into the past and the future; into the cycle of human existence. These essays also connect the dots, so to speak, for readers who will discover that the whole picture adds up to more than the sum of its parts. Through these writings, readers will realize that many of these authors, scientists, and researchers suggest that there is a cycle of time and consciousness that profoundly affects the way we look at history.

Lost Knowledge

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